Design services

It is not only about making things look nice, but making things look right. Every project is an opportunity to do something new and interesting, and our best work is done when clients share our vision for the attention to details. These details attract attention, direct focus, structure information, and make complicated things simpler.

Design services
Book and magazine design

We manage within our books and magazine layout services all — from design concept to artwork that is ready for printing. Each detail in your corporate magazine, every chapter in your book, is designed and presented in a creative and professional way. All illustrations and designs are created in-house and are customized to reflect your brand.

Marketing design

We provide a professional typesetting service, with competitive rates. This includes fiction, non-fiction, journals, programmers, and reports. We also design picture insets and redraw figures, charts, and tables.

We are good at

  • Annual reports
  • Catalogs
  • Books
  • Reports
  • Whitepapers
  • eBooks
  • Interactive PDFs
  • Presentation
  • Infographic/schemes

Creative process

1 Brief. We’ll ask a few questions to build a concise design brief which outlines the objectives of the project.

2 Dive in. We’ll research — looking inside and outside your brand to see what’s working and what’s not.

3 Create. We’ll create a series of design ideas, some wild and ’out there’ and others more conservative.

4 Present. We’ll resurface to present the concept to the client and explain our ideas.

5 Refine. We’ll review all the design concepts internally to refine and develop the best ones.

6 Discuss. We listen to your feedback and make any changes your require.

7 Develop. We roll out ’look’ to all related collateral or all pages of your publication. We do rounds of proofing and minor edits.

8 Launch. Once the final design has been approved we can organise printing and upload to your website.

Say hello -
© O’Marievsky Studio

Ukraine, Kyiv
Blvd. Lesi-Ukrainky, 28, Building A