Get visible. It works

O'Marievsky Studio is a creative partner to ambitious individual and business who want to build strong visual communication. We enjoy working with complicated information and making the message clear and simple. Have a peek at some of our work.

EPG Health report

This report is based on an independent study designed and conducted by EPG Health.

summer '20

HAR school annual report

The report describes in detail the academic year at Harrow school.

summer '20

The TBW book

The book was written by Richard Boston, a psychologist and executive coach specializing in leadership and team performance.

spring '20

Elim annual report

Typesetting of serious information in an attractive form.

winter '20

Hiil report

Illustrated report about complicated law procedures in an easy way.

autumn '19

My spine book

The illustrated book about the spine care.

autumn '19

Say hello -
© O’Marievsky Studio

Ukraine, Kyiv
Blvd. Lesi-Ukrainky, 28, Building A